Cats or Dogs? What do you prefer?

I was thinking of getting a Cat or a Dog, but I can't choose.

What do you prefer and why?

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For me definitly cats. Dogs are to energetic for my lazy person and sometimes they annoyed me... (sorry for everyone who love the dogs). But i think that thats depent on what type of person you are.
If you are energetic, then definitly dogs, but if you are house rat then remember - with dog, you need to go out.

Dogs for they are truly mans best friend, the loyalty does it for me

Depends on what you like, cats are pretty independent and dogs require more attention/effort

Both bring tremendous responsibility but bring as much joy, choose the one that makes you smile the most

Dogs cause they don't care what kind of affection you give them. Cats can be real picky

Dogs because they always want to play around, but i will not rlly have any pet for myself, there is a dog from the family so it doesn't get lonelly when nobody is around. cats do not care much to be alone for a longer time at least the ones i see friends and other persons i met owned.

I am lazy, thereore I choose the cat.

I prefer dogs!

Dogs for life!

I prefer dogs.

I dunno, i feel like i can read dogs much better than cats so its dogs for me

cats = passive pet care (kinda). dogs = active lol

Cats. No fuzz just feed and everyone is chill.

Dogs. There is a reason they are called mans best friend.

Cats. They're super chill, low maintenance (depends) and can be just as loving as a dog. You also get some derpy moments from them every now and then.

i choose cats, they don't make too much noise.

both are super cool. cats are easier to handle tho

Dogs are better then cats

definitely a dog person. nothing agains cats but always preferred to raising and owning dogs as pets. can't wait to finally adopt in the near future