Cheap 2k-3k pc build

I am trying to build a pc but the only sources i know are amazon and i don't know what to trust as reliable.
Tying to play valorant and all the free games coming out

use pcpartpicker to build a pc and check the ratings/reviews

youtube tech channels to help build it but theirs a shortage of the top tier gpu. Walmart it LOL

how fast do they sell out, like the previous person said it looks like it is impossible to get the top quality ones

It's insanely difficult. you're competing with bots, lots of bots. I got a decent used card on local facebook marketplace for now.

>> cheap
>> 2-3k

Doesn't sound like a cheap build to me!

Well I don't have a monitors and I want two. no keyboard, mic or headset. So thats why i'm going 2-3k.

I would wait on your place

With that kind of money in the US you could build a beast.

RE: Cheap 2k-3k pc build.

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Honestly, anything you custom build is gonna be overpriced because of gpu prices. Getting a prebuilt is probably better rn lol.

Use pcpartpicker

overprice in the short term but i plan to use it for 6+ years so cheaper spread out over the years.

always a good idea to check in a store but if online, to find items on newegg