Chimpanzees can be BRUTAL af man. After watching clips from David Attenborough, they are not only smart, athletic and coordinated; but also savage and ruthless. I've even read about a story where some dude had a pet chimpanzee that was sent to a shelter with other chimps. One year, he gave the chimp a birthday cake then the others were so jealous, the got out of the cages and beat the dude almost to death. Biting off fingers and parts of his face, ripping out his dong and tearing off his feet. 

They can and will be terrifying creatures when angry. Any other vicious stories about chimpanzees you've heard of?

i've heard a chimpanzee has the mental capability of a four year old child
is that thier maximum potential or are they evolving?

I've read somewhere else about scientists declaring that chimps are now in the beginning of the stone age. They've been recorded to use rocks as tools recently without the help of humans at all and we might be seeing intelligence evolution in real time. Sure they still have the capacity of 4 year olds, but aren't those 4 year olds also quick to learn?
