Civ VI or Frostpunk?
Just picked these two games up (Civ on humble bundle and Frostpunk free on epic) and debating which to pick to take over my life. Thoughts?

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They're completely different games, honestly. Frostpunk is completely on survival. Civilization is all about progressing into the future. With that said, CIV VI multiplayer is very fun.

I'm very tempted to play Frospunk since hearing what it like and how hard it is. Played Civ in the past and whilst I like them, they get a bit same-y for me and have to force myself not to alway play the sameway.

I really enjoyed Frostpunk

That game made me enslave kids and i dont feel bad about it

The answer is Yes.

Both are great for their own reasons though.

Civ is probably the better choice.