Cloud storage for porn?
just wondering how you guys go about keeping things on the internet...don't want it on my HD...

I wouldn't keep anything in the cloud. If it's in the cloud, it's subject to a warrant, as well as subject to whatever police department wants it, provided that the company that stores your data doesn't give a fuck about your 4th Amendment Rights.

If you're going to, put it into an encrypted .rar file, with a long password with multiple characters, so the password cannot be subject to a dictionary attack, nor can it easily be broken by LEO tech. Once your data is in the cloud, it's on the Internet, which means it's accessible to the outside, even if hidden behind the greatest firewall of all time.

[+] 2 users Like olichan12's post
none of it is illegal (that I know about)...but I see what you are local encrypted storage?

[+] 1 user Likes samw34099's post
Yup. Invest in external hard drives, and learn to encrypt your data. Just... don't forget the password.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Do yourself a favor and get a separate cheap laptop ($200 chromebook) to do your porn stuff. Or even be a raspberry pi or something (get a heat sink case, $75 all in), if you can hook it up to a tv. Use an encrypted USB hard disk or something to keep your files, if you don't have space. Lock it up when people come over.

It's way better to not mix up your stuff.

[+] 2 users Like nezzay's post
lots of good ideas....thank you