Code review
Do you do code reviews for people or have people review your code?
I have never done it, it feels like being naked when people see my code.

Its always good to look at other peoples code so you can understand other people's thought process. Ive learned different ways to utilize JS from looking at how others code it recently.

It's normal to feel humiliated in the beginning, however that feeling will eventually fade away. If it's a school project, I would highly recommend it. If it's a personal project, not really.

Code review is necessary in a work context, you learn a lot from having other people pick at your code. In terms of personal projects it's less likely to happen, but there's a danger of falling into bad patterns that you dont realize

Code review with a good person is much more beneficial than learning on your own, but it can be a little toxic with the wrong person.

Code review is great for getting better, you will have to reflect on your own code. Even if you are not good is great to read others code too to see if you understand why they do the stuff they do.

I did both. I can understand your feeling but it is a good way to learn how to improve your code.

You learn a lot by reviewing code. You see what works, what doesn't work, and also learn new styles.