- Coffee Opinions -
How do you guys like your coffee? Do you guys even like coffee? Personally I've never really had the taste for Hot coffee, always been sort of a iced coffee bloke - something about it has just always just tasted better to me, I've seen people are also incredibly decisive on their coffee tastes since theres so many different ways to drink it, also curious if theres any coffee traditions where you live, would love to hear about them!  Heart

For the longest time I never really liked coffee, though I guess I got stockholm syndrome'd into it after I started my first office job. These days I usually enjoy a cup of cold brew over any other styles.

I never really drank coffee until I started working early mornings. Honestly, I can't tell the difference between a $4 cup of coffee at Starbucks vs a cheap office brewed one, so I might as well just grab the free one since they taste the same to me lol.

I'm a big fan of coffee tbh, especially in the morning really gives me energy and wakes me up for the day, i find that having it straight is what works best for me

I love both hot and cold coffee haha

I prefer cold coffee too

drink all kinds of coffee, most of the time black. i brew at home using a bunch of different methods too, lots to explore in the coffee world once you get into it. lots of different flavors and stuff to try out!

lol my father pretty much ruined coffee for me, since he would drink coffee so often in his car that whenever i rode in it, it stunk of coffee all the time. eventually i started getting headaches from just smelling it. these days, im still not too fond of it but i can take a creamed-down coffee most of the time

i prefer the classic coffee with a simple filter, no fancy stuff, no sugar and black or with milk

Only black fresh roasted coffe.

Just a simple black coffee is good for me! It's good hot / cold!