Comfort foods
We're all living in a ridiculous time, which means finding ways to relieve stress are pretty important. I like food. It's not really a traditional comfort food, but if you give me a warm chocolate chip cookie, I'm in a good place. What foods do you use to make you feel better?

It has to be chili con carne asada

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Pizza surprisingly enough

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homemade food from parents which are usually stews

pizza rolls and tendies for me

It's gotta be ice-cream for me. Ice-cream with a crushed cookie and whip cream keeps me in good spirits.

Potato and gravy. Best shit i ever ate when i was a kid at home by myself when my parents were always working and were mostly.on overtime.

Fried chicken is the goat

Pierogis or korma curry Smile Tasty and fill you up (okay, not pierogis, I need to eat a lot of them to feel full Smile ).

It's definitely tacos for me!

For me its Hotpockets

pizza is a good food

Hot pockets are the best, especially after any binge after a long day.

Those muffins that they sell at Costco are pretty good for me especially the chocolate ones.