You guys watch the show Community? Definitely one of my favorites.

I feel like I probably already know the answer to this, but is there any other show out there like Community? Or is it actually just one of a kind?

Related question, one of the episodes was removed, the first DND episode. Was super confused when I got to the second one and they made all the references to the first episode that's now MIA. I guess it had some racially charged stuff in there and wanted it gone, and I can understand that. Would still I'd like to be able to see it, though. Is there anywhere that's available now?

I would suggest watching Its always sunny in Philadelphia if you haven’t or Parks and Recreation as they’re both pretty good

Currently making my way through Parks and Rec. Not the same, but similar enough and it is very enjoyable. Will have to add IASIP to the watch list, thanks for the recommendations!

I think the first 3 seasons were perfect after that the show wasn't that funny for me