Contributer level bug??
my contirbuter level keeps dropping and i don't know why, i have been posting frequently and i hardly ever open other links, so i dont know why it is dropping it was over 200 last week and now im like -60
can someone help please.

[+] 1 user Likes max18tk's post
I have same problem maybe it takes some time to improve

I’ve been having the same problem. I also just made a post about this.

Most annoying stat ?

im pretty sure its bugged dont stress it

im pretty sure its bugged dont stress it

I just spent so much time on here, to get my measely 10 credits, putting my heart and soul into every post and when I unlocked something "Quality" it said i didn't have enough contribution score. Sad I hope they fix this soon!

How do you get credits?

Why is no admin replying i have had this issue for over a week now and i cant access anything

I also have the same problem

seriously I don't want to assume and jump to conclusions thinking it is a bug, but I don't know what else to think since all I did was reply and like and for some reason my level is so low. If someone at least told me why I could change my behavior

im pretty sure its bugged

Some help to up the level of contributor i dont know how work this.

Nothing is in this pack mate where has it gone?!

same problem here sad

You have to make posts or reply to threads that are not considered leaks. Hope this helps!