Contributor Level Questions
Hello! I am currently new to this forum, and whilst I've been active in multiple porn-like forums, this one is a slightly special based on the system.

From what I can see from the welcome message, it says that sharing content that you have will improve this, but on the next paragraph it said that sharing in the "leaked" section will mark you as a low-level contributor. Isn't this kinda contradictory? Hopefully someone can teach me or give some advice. Thank you!~

Making threads in the leaks section will INCREASE your contributor rating and making replies to exisiting threads will decrease it.
Please read the FAQ's before you message me.
Message me if you have any issues with the forum

[Image: bde77860ca7faa1f89ec9c4c3771efcb.gif]

What's the point of decreasing for replies?

I believe it's to discourage mass spam with things like "commenting for link"

i thought posting content in the leaks section was the only way to meaningfully increase your score

Don't you have to make like 5 new threads for each thread you comment on? It looks like  you get 5 reputation for each thread you make. And then if it's -25 for each reply, you should end up with like 5 times the number of threads in total as there are replies.

Been looking for this thank u

I'm wondering how contributor level works, how do I gain or lose those levels?

I feel like over 100 is where you get green

Thanks for the information here

Really annoying if you don't understand it at first.

They should show rules before registering....

Do you receive score for creating a thread in the forum section or no?