Cooking Skills
As the topic says, what are your guys cooking skills, I feel like way too many people fail at this pretty important aspect of day to day life. I know friends who can't cook anything more than pasta, and even then they overcook it most of the time, I've even had someone call me freaking out because they got an expensive steak, but didn't know how long to grill it.

I cook, a lot, I hate baking but dabble in it a bit around holidays, but if I had to choose a dish to give to represent me at a party it wouldn't be a baked good, it would probably be a pork dish, what would you guys say you're at level wise and what would be your 'Go to' dish if you HAD to make one for a party.

Lets go with a pretty basic level system.

Kraft Cooker -> Burger Man -> I don't eat mostly fast food -> Home Cook -> That person with a bitching party dish -> Daily Cook -> Practically Pro

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Baking depends on definition. baking sweet potatoes is different than baking a cake/bread.

I've got the basics but every now and then I totally overdo some meat.

almost non existat unfortunately

i can cook most anything but way better on the grill

I'm sort of around the level of daily cook, pretty good on a grill. occasionally do a bit of baking.

I have had to learn to cook. Eating out constantly is WAY too expensive. As far as crazy recipes with millions of steps and ingredients I don’t do. I can cook a great steak and smoke a mean brisket.

This is me, sadly

my family own a restaurant, so i can cook pretty well
I think that if you can turn leftover and scraps into edible food, then you got all the cooking skill you need to survive

I can put stuff in the microwave and a pizza in the over, past that, beats me.

if the recipe's decent, can do

Im a solid cook

Cooking is a lot of fun, what a shame I don't have my own kitchen

instant noodles, egg, egg noodles with egg, forever!