Cooking lessons
Girls love a good cook right? I refuse to watch 24kitchen 24/7 but I wanna create that juicy steak. Where do I start? 
Thanks bros

Youtube is my go-to site. There's a good video with Gordon Ramsey for example: "Gordon Ramsay's Top 10 Tips for Cooking the Perfect Steak".

Two thing you need. YouTube and willingness to accept failure.
At the end of the day, practice makes perfect so keep trying until you get it right.
Also, no need to get fixated on a particular recipe.
There is a lot of things you can cook so try bunch of things and see what you are good at.
Steak is a good start tho. Simple enough recipe. Then move on to the side dishes.

Specifically for meats like steak, I might invest in getting a little meat thermometer for thicker cuts. Cooking the inside right without cutting into the thing is a good start, and after that is when I'd recommend learning about more technical stuff like getting a good crust. Here are a few other things I would ask you to try for steak:
(1) Understand how long your choice of steak wants to cook
(2) Salt and pepper are fine seasonings on their own, but a good marinade can make a steak stand out.
(3) Cooking in butter imparts more flavor, just be careful not to burn the butter with too high of a temperature.
(4) Render out white fat on the side of a steak. Look that up.
(5) Please do not cut meat right after cooking, let it rest so that when you do end up cutting it, the juices don't spill out.

This is advice from someone who is still learning how to cook themselves. Also consider pairing steak with roasted brussel sprouts or some asparagus.

Get a meat thermometer and a nice cast iron pan, I guarantee you’ll have the best crust and juiciest steak ever

Watching youtube videos help, but cooking is trial and error. For steaks, I find that objective markers like temperature are more reliable than things like touch, which more experienced chefs probably use as guides.