Hey guys, I just wanted to know your opinion on the current situation with the pandemic. Do u think we should get back to our normal lives, or the restrictions should get tighter? I personally think this virus really takes a lot of lives and we should be really cautious and wait for better treatment plans

[+] 1 user Likes newstuffBoy's post
Don't know much about where we stand with vaccine and cases and what not, but for America it seems like people act as if there is no quarantine. People going outside maskless left and right, compared to some Asian countries where apparently there are less than 1000 cases (in Japan at least) with people being super cautious there. So it most likely depends on where you live imo.

You sir, hit the nail on the head, unless the vaccination is going well and a good part of population have been vaccinated, everyone still need to be in lockdown. For those that are tired of quarantine, breath a little you have been lock up for so long that you gonna give up now, just wait a little go read a book the help and vaccine is right in the door step. You don't wanna end your whole life just for one night/day of fun with the others

In the states I doubt things will look close to normal before the second half of this year, both due to vaccine availability and general attitude of the public.
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I am literally one moth away of going crazy, just lost one year of life, cant get a job, cant move to another place and people keep saying that is for the good of it even thought there haven't been a single case in my town

Well, there might have been a few cases. But the fact that 95% of infected people are invisible makes it look like none.
Imagine two people had Covid in your town without anybody knowing. Without lockdown, they would've passed it to 12-20 people in a week's time with work/supermarket/random events, 12-30 that would've infected more people and, one day or the other, one or multiple would've shown distressing symptoms.
Lockdown prevents that. So that even if half the town gets tested (very good numbers that would be^^), if the two who had Covid didn't, at least they got over it without spread, and thus nobody knows it was even a risk.

The problem with working solutions is that they work, so nobody can witness the horrors of not implementing these solutions (remember Iran and Spain? pilling corpses in stadium after a few weeks). I feel more sane locked inside than losing my closed ones by the truck-load.

On the other hand, at least it is a virus that is easily fought off. 5% danger-rate is nothing compared to what other viruses do. Now is the time to learn and to put state-wide and world-wide systems to avoid a real dangerous one in the future. Not like people will listen... When human bored, human wants to talked about something else. And we are all very bored of Covid really. :p

in tunisia we have like 200000 cases were living a normal life and that sucks dude we used to get 100-200 cases per day now we get like 2000-5000

Biggest over-reaction imo.
Our cases in Australia have been low by comparison, it helps being an island nation.
Only time we had clusters forming were due to government incompetence by failing to stop it from coming in from over seas.

An example of the over-reaction was the city of Melbourne being put into a 5 day lockdown due to 1 security guard in Quarantine getting the virus

COVID is a fucking scam it’s a virus just like any other we are treating it with way too much excessive caution

I'm afraid, here where I live, most people are practically ignoring that the covid-19 exists, well, I'm still locked up at home

I think we should open back up, especially schools. If your elderly or high risk you should be careful, but people should have the freedom to choose for themselves.

I think the current year is better than the previous, and life is slowly returning to normal .
Vaccination is the only way to achieve herd immunity .

I just fucking hope we’ll all get vaccinated and get rid of this shit because a lot of people are dying and idk how much well have to keep this up...

[+] 1 user Likes Blah Ulut's post
yea same. vaccination is key

I think more people need to take this virus seriously. Whats wrong with simply wearing a mask out? It doesnt make your life a whole lot more difficult does it? Unless theres a specific reason, just put on a god damn mask...... i think from the numbers ppl can tell its a serious issue and we shouldnt be taking it lightly. I hope people around the world take this more seriously so we can get this virus over with and get back to pre covid lifestyle.....

[+] 1 user Likes Zoomie's post
Covid sucks dick

In France, a lot of people think that gouvernement don't care about the virus cuz they don't close school or make our land in lockdown.

I think that even if all restrictions are lifted, this pandemic process will change something in our lives.

Theres no way of going back . I kind of feel like our future is like we're going to be wandering around and just get randomly struck down by these kinds of horrific future diseases.

caution until the release of a viable vaccine