Covid vaccine side effects
Am interested to know how many of you actually received the vaccine yet and what type of side effects if any you went thru. I’m schedule to get moderna vaccine but I’ve heard stories about people getting chills, fevers and muscle pain. How many of you guys felt this? And for how long did it last? I’m a bit paranoid since I have a tendency to get sick often.

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I got the Pfizer and only experienced some muscle in the arm that got shot. Kinda felt like when you try to wake up your arm after its fallen asleep. It wasn't terrible, but it woke me up a couple times in the night. It was gone in the morning and I didn't experience any other side effects.

Your muscle gets a little sore for about 2 days and that’s about it

I got the Pfizer jab. After the 1st jab, sore arm and a bit fatigued/achy the next day. 
After the 2nd jab though....fuck me it floored me. Fatigued and achy +++ for a day or two after.

The bodily responses to the vaccination is different for every individual which you can see from the replies above. I myself took the Pfizer jab but aside from a only very mild soreness at the jab spot for about 2 days, I didn't experience anything else. On the other hand, one of family members took it and was down with a fever and muscle aches over the body for 2-3 days.

I'm no expert on this, but I think if you do actually fall ill, it's likely just gonna be like a normal flu/cold that goes away within a few days. If symptoms persist after 3 days, it's probably wise to see your doctor.

my arm was just a little sore the next day

It really depends. I've been seeing numbers put together that show that this entire vaccine shit show is a massive medical experiment. Something like 60% of jabs are saline, as a control group, while the rest are the the actual experimental vaccine. That's why we're seeing so many people die and be fucked up for life because of them.

You guys gotta realize that this is an mRNA vaccine. Every single mRNA vaccine that has been tried on animals has killed EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL. This experimental vaccine hasn't even been tried on animals yet! And they have the nerve to claim it's safe and charge us money for it?

In short: this mRNA vaccine attempts to replace your natural immune system, and replace it with something else entirely, something that is dependent on biochemicals from the manufacturer that made the vaccine. It's fucking nothing short of trying to kill you and make you spend money on them for life.

Keep all this in mind.

The second dose appears to be stronger than the first.

I haven't had any illness related side effects, but I think I do have some tiny red spots on my skin that come from the JJ vaccine

I got both doses for Pfizer and I really didn’t have any major side affects other than the chills and a sore arm for the first two days after getting the shot

I just remember being out (bedridden) all day for the next two days after my vaccination due to a fever

Got a bit of the sticky ickies... it hurt

I have no problem with the Pfiser

Pfizer jab wasnt too bad, sure I felt a bit sluggish but was back to normal in no time