Creamy or Crunchy peanut butter?

I just ate creamy peanut butter, and I'm never going back to crunchy.

I was wondering what do you guys/girls enjoy? Crunchy or Creamy?

Crunchy all day

Dig both but crunchy is up there definitely!

I like both but I think creamy is a bit better

Creamy all day

crunchy without a doubt

I just can't do crunchy. It's like eating bone in ice cream

Not a peanut butter fan, but ill choose creamy

I like mine crunchy

Crunchy all day

Creamy, eazy.

neither, peanut butter is disgusting lmao

Creamy ATW tbh

don't mind it too much but grew up with creamy. too used to having smooth peanut butter so it's just my go to

For me it would be creamy, crunchy gets stuck on your teeth more.

Creamy. No contest.