Credits going down
For some reason my credits seem to fluctuate even without spending them or commenting in leak threads. Two days ago I had 21 credits, then yesterday I had 18 and now 16? All I have done in that time is post leak threads and I'm still not able to view any content. Thinking about giving up on this forum soon if things don't start to make more sense or someone can explain what is going on

You have 16 Approved threads (counting this one) and thus have 16 Credits.

If you posted a thread and it was not approved, you will see a credit that will ultimately be removed as the thread is deleted.

I do not know why you saw 21 credits, but before this thread was approved you had 15 total threads. And this one makes 16 so 16 credits.

There is no conspiracy to take Credits away from users,.
Please read the FAQ's before you message me.
Message me if you have any issues with the forum

[Image: bde77860ca7faa1f89ec9c4c3771efcb.gif]

[+] 1 user Likes Lucifer NightStar's post
This is some useful information thanks for sharing, im slowly learning how to use this

Same. Thanks for the info

Shit I'm sorry!

Oh okay so you need to post to get token?

Tokens are the same are credits? Sry new

Ah that is informative! Does threads on the discussion section like gaming and entertainment need to be approved first or is it only the threads on the leaks section being regulated?