Csgo vs Valorant?
What do you guys think? Is it possible Valorant will replace Csgo throne?

[+] 2 users Like Ceeeej's post
CSGO is here to stay imo. It'd take something serious to dethrone it.

Overwatch didn't, I doubt valorant will either

[+] 1 user Likes SuspiciousCereal's post
Theres no way Valorant is overtaking CSGO. Seems to me the hype from streams will eventually die down and CS will once again take its place

I don't like either lol

Well Valorant definitely has the potentional to become a great game, I tried it myself and it is really enjoyable but im not sure about dethroning csgo anytime soon.

theres no way. people have said the same about pubg, rainbow 6, countless other games. the question always gets brought up but counter strike is here to stay.

counter strike is a pop culture icon, there's no chance it gets dethroned unless the whole genre dies

Valorant is only hyped because of their streams to get into the beta access. The mechanics are pretty different so I doubt it.

Nah, CSGO is here to stay. Its too well established

csgo won't go away, but i hope for a new esports scerne areound valorant

no, it will not. csgo is number 1

From what i saw, it's possible but not to an extent that it will replace CSGO

I don't think Valorant will match CS, but it gets to the level of Overwatch

Csgo is more better man , my opinion

Unambiguous CSgo