Current NBA Season
How y'all feeling about this years season now that the playoffs are nearly here and were seeing guys like mitchell, dame, kawhi, and harden all slowly going down with injuries along with the compressed games from all the PPD's? y'all think they should of waited or your good with this current situation. It's been up and down for a lakers fan with the either real injuries or "were trying to rest guys" injuries so you barely know what's legitimate vs lies

[+] 1 user Likes TheChampM's post
Don't care. The NBA went full BLM, so the league can go fuck itself.

celtics up!

Should've waited tbh, rushing into a season wasn't a good idea for anyone except owners trying to make $

[+] 1 user Likes Bdommm's post
bom, no momento não estou acompanhando nba, porém não tem como não ficar por dentro dos melhores jogadores que estão la, ja que em todo lugar sempre vai ter um basqueteiro comentando hahaha

Lakers vs Nets Finals, see y'all there!

Harden has been in iron man in the league for over a decade. It's crazy to see him out for so long. That whole team is basically just a bunch of superstars made out of glass.

[+] 1 user Likes hellojohn's post
Imagine not watching a sports league because they speak out against racism... what a whiny little prick ?