Cyberpunk 2077
Anyone else here excited for Cyberpunk 2077?  Thankfully, I've only been waiting a year since I first heard about it.  It's nice we're finally getting a game that feels "new", with it's rugged Bladerunner aesthetic.

I'm just worried it's been over hyped, but I've never played Witcher 3 or any other game from the developer.

[+] 2 users Like Falcone's post
Super excited! The amount of hype I've bought into might make this a disappointment, but I can't wait for its release. The Witcher games are pretty good, so it's gonna be interesting to see how CDPR handle a brand new IP with no previously established universe.

[+] 2 users Like illiaden2's post
Really keen to get into a cdprojecr red game proper! Idk I could never gel with the witcher?

With the time that's been spent developing, and seeing how far the game has improved from the initial footagr and photos to what we have now, I think it's going to be a homerun. Should be a proper singleplayer experience that we've haven't seen before.

I've debated if I'm going to pre-order or not, I think I'll just wait it out and see how it is when released. I've never really cared about pre-order bonuses anyway.

Sure! Can't wait man! I enjoyed so much The witcher 3

Wait for it, I hope it lives up to expectations

Yeah, just hoping I don't overhype it in my own head and ruin it for myslef.

[+] 1 user Likes Crejaccount's post
What ever happened to this game? I was so excited to play this game, especially because Keanu Reeves was in it but now I have no idea when it’s supposed to release.

Ясделал предзаказ. Надеюсь он будет не хуже чем Ведьмак 3

Im really interested to see how it will run on the mew xbox

looks great, can't believe how long it's been in development

I am probably the only person I know that isn`t excited about the game.

I am not a big fan of the Cyberpunk esthetic, I found the Witcher 3 overlong (and this game seems like the same), no trail track is big enough for the hype train carrying it, and the Crunch news kinda make me want it to fail a bit.

First preorder for me since... well... i cant even remember. I’m afraid to the point i cant sleep at night that it wont live up to the hype!(not really but almost) One month left!

Preordered this and really hope it's worth all the hype (as well as delays!)

I have avoided any, and all news of this game because hype tends to kill the experience when it's finally out. I did pick up Ghostrunner recently to hold me off until then.

Really looking forward to it. I only wish it was in 3rd person not first. I think it would have suited the game better.

Very hype even if i won't buy it day one

Really looking forward to this game and sinking in many hours into it.

Given the amount of hype this has I'm going to wait till post-Christmas to get this to see where it falls on success or not. I loved the Witcher 2 & 3 (didn't play 1) so hoping it's another great one.

I hope it will good as withcher 3, but im not sure my pc will run it XD