Cyberpunk 2077 failure
I am torn 50/50 on this. Because they promised a lot and tried to deliver it but came up short . Plus made the wrong decision to release on last gen hardware. 
In contrast to watchdogs which did a bait and switch

Cyberpunk 2077 failed because of the old executive's adage, "hurry up and release it, we can patch it over the internet." That should still be in production, but the executives couldn't wait longer for more money.

i kinda enjoyed the bugs... although the price tag for the game is a bit much for a "meme game" but overall i still enjoyed it

This game had so much potential I was looking forward to this game till I seen how broken it was

i played it on a 2080Ti on PC, actually thought it was great fun despite the bugs!

I feel like they spent too much time of the graphics and storyline instead of actually making the game work

that game is deaad

It needs to be remaster

Honestly, this release convinced me to never pre-order a game again

It had so much potential but I really wish they just gave it more time to develop.

We all learned a great lesson with that game. NEVER PREORDER A GAME. After 7 months the game is still broken. Really wanted enjoy the game after the last patch and reinstalled it. But just in ten minutes i have encountered with tons of bugs again and the game was still lack of basic details, content, etc. Just deleted the game and never gonna look this junk ever again.

I pre-ordered it man, thank god I got a refund.