Cyberpunk 2077 worth playing now?
it was game everybody could not wait to play until it was released but it actually disappointed everyone. i know.
but time has passed and i heard the game had many patches to make it right.
i didn't purchased it yet and is it now worth paying 60$?
is there someone has played it lately?

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Not bad game
But bags ...

A lot of the stuff got patched, a lot didn't, in my opinion it's still a very fun game that has justified its existence but I wouldn't buy it for full price, wait for a sale.

Besides some patches I don't think the gameplay changed much at all. I enjoyed my playthrough back in December

Probably wait for more content

A lot of hate went around but honestly it's a good time sink with nice content. Just make sure to play on PC or a PS5 just so you get the best you can. Nevertheless I feel like you can toss several hours into it and not feel to wasted

quality since updates, lots of gud craks aswell

It’s a good game to just mess around on

It's a decent game, but full of bugs. Even though it was overhyped, it's still a fun game to play.
too bad you need a really good pc to run it though :/

Depends on if you liked the game as it was when it released or not. In spite of all the bug fixes, very little had actually improved.