19-07-2021, 09:55 AM
Hi y'all!, I just read Dahlia Sky was found dead in her car about two weeks ago, on June 30th. I'm shock because I really liked her and because, a few days ago, when it was published that Dakota Skye had died, I thought at first it was Dahlia Sky who the information was talking about. Authorities are considering the events like a suicide. Apparently, she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, and she was found with gunshot wounds. I can't believe how young she was, she was only 31. It's devastating, both her dead and that she was suffering such an agressive stage of cancer being that young. My mother also died of cancer, and she was also diagnosed when it was irreversible, so the news had made me remember her and her illness. This is so sad. I'm about to cry. Rest in peace, Dahlia. I'll never forget the good times you allowed me to spend with you.