Dating apps
Which is your favor online dating app? just curious if anyone is having any luck with them.

Ive failed with all of them haha. Tinder is the only one I had any success with and its really a numbers game for dudes (unless you're very attractive)
you need to swipe right for everyone and hope you match and they reply back to your message. 

in my experience, most dont. dont get sad, it's normal. theres waay more women than men on there.
just gotta keep on it and hope that you find someone genuine. 

No one is having any luck with them at the moment but when it's safer, i would try tinder as its the only
one that actually got me some matches.

I heard Bumble match rates for men are much higher compared to Tinder but you can't start the convos as only the women can start it.

OkCupid used to be good, but with the recent changes it has become a worse version of Tinder.

Tinder and Bumble are really the only choices. Sure every app is filled with its fair share of bits, but at least not 100% of them are fake in the two. Bumble I’ve used to meet new friends more than Tinder, but both have been used for dating/hooking up with moderate success. Some women are thirsty tho for the clout on tinder or wanting money. Not having it this year

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Bumble is great for women and for attractive guys but for normal/average looking dudes it's difficult to get any success, atleast for me.

lol, yeah, you have to watch out for the tinder thots looking for clout. If they have a link to their instagram then it's better to avoid. 
Most people think this means they can be trusted and not a dude catfishing but really they just want you to follow them on ig and build their 'brand'.

Also, if they look too good and match with you, they're probably just looking for free food.
I had it happen a couple of times so i know! haha

I use Tinder, OkCupid, and Bumble. Have a better result in OkCupid, but it all depends on how you present yourself I guess. I never post any of my real photo on them, just making sure that my bio is interesting enough. And only show my real self when they fall deep enough, haha.

I only know and used Tinder and was where I met my wife.

But you need to have on your mind that this kind of application don't is a magic solution, I used Tinder for weeks without have any match, and on first ones the girls don't even bother to answer or was best that they didn't said any.
I had only two good matches. One girl that wasn't really ready to be in more that a friendship because of a lot of personal factors but became a good friend.
The other girl became my wife.

I advice you to use this as an hobby, to see photos of girls like you were in Instagram, and if you got a match see if you get lucky. And create a profile with a profile photo that show only you and create a funny description.

I have had great luck on Bumble, at least when the girl has to message first you know they are really interested!

Tinder seems to have the most people on it which is great to have more options so I’d stick to that.