Dead by daylight favorite killer thread
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Who's your favorite dead by daylight killer ? Mine is the shape even though he's not that great , The halloween movies are just so freaking good

[+] 1 user Likes Tyranitaray's post
i hate the shape so much lol. But i can see why people like him. Mine is ghostface

the mask so scary!!!

pyramid head!

I love the idea of Myer's powers, but I wish he could get a revamp so he is more viable.

i think huntress and trapper is a easy to learn killer, so those two are my fav. u can just end the loop with trap or u can throw an axe when they try to drop the pallet.

Yea loooikkgt

I love huntress cause i want her to step on me

M1lly main Wink

pyramid head being in this game is wack, just give us new silent hill