Dealing with work stress
Anyone find themselves thinking about work out of hours. How do you de stress?

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For me, engrossing movies, exercise, and alcohol work.

What I do is play video games or just watch while drinking. Sleeping is a good way to cope with stress too.

Playing videogames, hiking or cooking mostly. When weekend comes short time with friends and I get fresh again

Having a class you can go to like boxing or yoga or whatever or even just the gym is really good, at least it works for me. If you're thinking about work outside of office hours that much though maybe time to evaluate the root of it.

Find out the root of your stress. What part of work do you think and stress about?
Maybe you could also talk to the management or other coworkers if they feel the same way too. May not be you but the working environment or the nature of your job.

sport for me... having a good practice session to help me shift my attention on something i enjoy doing

gaming and coffee, usually does the trick