Developing a routine
I think that developing a daily routine and sticking to it is extremely important to get through these trying times. What are some of the things and timelines you guys do to start off/end your day?

I definitely think a routine is important for achieving almost anything.

I do agree with you. I always try to wake up at the same hour and same when I go to sleep. What I personally do is cooking and trying to do sport even though it is tough considering we can not go out.

Definitely get into fitness if you can

i think waking up at the same time is a great first step

Routine is definitely important. Waking up and sleeping at the same time is a good start and working out is a helpful thing to do during these times to stay active and fit instead of lazing around and just eating.

I always start my day reading some news and maybe a half of a book

Fitness and reading!

Also something to develop your brain and problem solving, for example chess!

Gotta do it every single day or else it just will not work