Did anyone else get a boat load of free time during 2020?
If so what did you end up doing with all your free time? 

I stopped playing a lot of video games during my first years of college, but since losing my job to the pandemic, I ended up building my own PC. Probably not the most productive thing, but I learned a lot about computers at least.

Hell yeah and I gamed and chilled and too it easy

Yep! its why gaming is really big right now. People are building new PCs, buying new nintendo switches, out of stock ps5/xbox series x, and why among us grew to be such an absurdly popular game in a short time frame.

I managed to use the pandemic to learn new things. The first half of year was rough, lost almost everything but once I got past it, I managed to become fairly productive. Started getting back into games though recently as I stopped playing due to lack of time.

Hell no my job has still been working me like a machine, still working 60-80 hr weeks, but with so many people struggling and out of work i guess i should count myself lucky lol

of course, a whole lot of free time.

I've been reading a lot, found a few new series to go through.

I've watched a lot of series

Hello have a great new year