Disney monopoly
Disney now owns Star Wars and Marvel, arguably the 2 most profitable film franchises with each film having a box office around $1billion, as well as a multitude of other franchises.

At what point would Disney be considered a monopoly in film/entertainment or do you think it already is?

Everything Disney touches seems to turn out to be gold. Wouldn't be surprised if they keep on expanding because other companies want to work with them to get that money.

Its crazy what Disney has done, whether it had been for the better or worst, you gotta admit they have an empire on their hands. Cant wait to see how the future if the MCU holds up as they outdid themselves with the first 3 phases.

I would say Disney is already a monopoly. Something like that last 7 or 8 top movies of the last few years are all owned by Disney. I think they are a monopoly how Microsoft was a monopoly in operating systems back in the day.

Disney already own's a large percentage of the film industry, but I can guarantee you will never see any government break-up of that monopoly.