Do You Like FFVII?
I have only played the original game. I heard the remake is pretty good, if only short. Can't wait for the following parts of the game. I think Tifa is pretty hot though. Tell me your opinions!

[+] 1 user Likes TifaIsHot's post
yeah why not Smile
have seen many hentai tifa

Game is amazing. Played the original when I was younger and don't remember all of the finite details. I'm a huge fan of turn based RPGs, but this was a nice mix of old and new. It in my opinion kind of was a better version of the battle system that FF13 was trying to do to make things a bit more current with the times being fast paced and action oriented. Story is expanded and you kind of get the sense of what they promised of showing more of Midgar than the original provided along with more back-story and things like that. Game does have some small criticisms but still I give it a solid 9 or 9.5/10. Game was faithful to the original from what I recall and adds some nice additional story and fun dialogue between characters. You also get to see some of the side-characters more which I thought was nice and you didn't get to interact or know too much about them. I also like the themes that they still instill and real life experiences that you can relate to. Plus the updated classic music from the original was great to hear them still keep. Want to say more but also don't want to spoil anything so trying to keep things vague.

The remake seems pretty good but the fact that we dont know when the sequel gonna out is a little disapointment.

Seven was the best FF for me