Do people prefer short or long anime?
I myself enjoy anime that takes time to develop characters or allow fights to go on for several episodes like hunter x hunter or Dragon ball Z but shorter anime like god of high school which was quite rushed and lasted like 13 episodes to me this could have possibly lasted 20+ if it was done properly I’m not saying all short anime are bad but stating my preference is anime that last longer

I prefer short and straight to the point, like around 10-12 is good enough. Anything longer than 20 eps, I just skip around to watch the fight scenes usually.

Shorts, the only long anime I’ve followed is dbz

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Short, always. If it's long, I'd rather it be an anime movie.

I prefer a longer story, 20+ episodes. I really like when they take the time to flesh out the characters and not just jump straight into the action. I want to feel connected to the characters so the story feels more impactful.

6 eps a day is usually my attention span and i prefer 12 eps of maximum, sometimes i can just mull it over in a day, but i don't mind 24eps if it's consistently good

I enjoy a mix of both right now im caught up in one piece and im looking for a new long term one bit I also just finished some short ones too like dhoro he doro

Honestly shorter anime, something like samurai champloo is perfect because although it’s only 20 something episodes, each episode actually matters. I can’t stand filler

I really enjoy long anime but I gotta say there are some REALLY good short ones aswell

Short. The longer a show runs the more likely it will stray from the original vision of its author. With that said this applies to source content aswell. Editors and fan feedback have too much say with how a series can go.

I actually like both, but it depends on my mood I guess, sometimes I just want to watch an entire anime in a day and sometimes I want to take my time and watch 2-3 episodes a day.

It really depends on the mood for me. Both long and short anime have their pros and cons.