Do surgical masks help protect against coronavirus?
only the good ones protect u, but by wearing one u protect people around you

only the good ones protect u, but by wearing one u protect people around you

It's certainly better than nothing. If anything it will confer protection for others if you are an asymptomatic carrier

yes if you have the virus to keep it from spreading so please use one, you don't know if you have it and its not a normal flu

Yes, if everyone wears them the spread of the virus will deplete heavily

It helps most in the sense of making people feel more safe, but ofc it also does good for people's health.
It might not be corona-proof, but if it at least makes people feel more safe, it's always better imo.

Social distancing is more better brother

The recommendation to wear "masks or face coverings" came about because the data began to show that many people were asymptomatic and therefore were spreading the virus without knowing. Face coverings and surgical masks (the typical blue ones that are folded over) DO NOT protect the WEARER of the mask from contracting the virus; the mask serves as a filter/barrier to catch droplets from breathing (mouth and nose) with the goal to PROTECT OTHERS AROUND THE MASK WEARER. There are other types of masks, known as the N95s or KN95s, which are typically worn by healthcare workers when exposed to high infectious disease that spread through aerosols (when the droplets become essentially vaporized). Diseases that come to mind include Ebola and Tuberculosis. However, even these masks have a limit in that they filter 95% of particulate (hence the eponym) but they only are able to filter viruses as small as 0.3 microns. Some viruses, and I haven't recently read research regarding SARS-COV-2 size, are as small as 0.1 microns and therefore are too small to be filtered by these types of masks.

This distinction is important to emphasis and propagate because this has lead to confusion and distrust of public health scientists/healthcare workers. The WHAT is still important: wearing masks will help decrease spread, but the HOW is just as equally important because masks will NOT protect the wearer and anyone wearing a mask should still behavior as though they did not have any physical barrier. Hope that helps!

^^ Gets it. It isn't stopping everything, but it might keep people from sneezing or coughing without shielding their mouth. Hell, it's fucking pointless if people aren't covering their mouth AND nose anyway. Yes, they itch. Yes, they're annoying. Yes, they might not do too much good. But, you might not touch your face with it on, or cough on someone who might have a weaker immune system.