Do u use a fitness tracker?.
I am using honor band 5, the watch is quite good but the app seems to be very much bad ,it was also good before updates.
Which fitness tracker do u use?.

I don't use one

I just use a Samsung fitness watch, it's good for telling me when I've been inactive for too long or for receiving notifications.

Yupp Apple watch

I tried a Fitbit and Apple Watch but honestly wasn't really a fan of either one.
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Strava on my iphone/apple watch work well

I used to have a fitbit

I've been using Fitocracy for challenges with friends but the support for it has been declining.

I'm using garmin. It works just fine its just that sometimes when i go for runs the accuracy of the gps isnt very good so the distance i actually ran varies. Other than that the app's pretty good too. Overall its a great fitness tracker would totally recommend.

I think the most effective one is apple watch

I just try to schedule a certain time amount of walking when I get home

no, i dont like being tracked by electronics