Do you believe in aliens?
I mean the universe is so vast. Why should there be no other lifeforms? I dont believe that aliens fly around snatching people up the anally probe them but maybe there is some intelligent life form. But maybe its also just something like 1 cell organism, something like plants. Might aswell be that humanity is the most advanced species in the universe

Yes I think that there is really life on other planets, I believe in aliens. Have you seen the show Ancient Aliens? It’s a great show. It shows way too much evidence on there for it to be simply made up. 

I don’t believe in coincidences. IMO, Alien life exists.

There's probably something so alien that we cannot conceptualize as to what it is yet, but based on our standards of what constitutes life and intelligence then it's even more rare but not impossible, at least insofar as our current technology can detect with light and radio waves.

Yes, but I think we're living in a simulation cause the aliens find us dangerous

Yes it do believe aliens exist however I believe that they are too far away for us to ever be able to contact them.

i believe in them. Aint no way the universe is endless and we the only ones

Statistically speaking yes. Do I believe I will ever see one or know they exist in my lifetime no

I believe in them, we can't be the only ones in this vast amount of space.

Aliens statistically are bound to exist. It's not any news...

Of course. Thats why I lean more towards reincarnation. Heaven only involves earth, but is that realistic? I think its more realistic to have the chance to be reborn in another planet

I do believe that there are other types of lifeforms out there in the universe. We can't just be the only ones around.

i have to believe in them. Thinking that we are alone in the universe would be pretty sad. Maybe the life out there isnt as advanced as life on earth but there has to be

Statically there had to be

They are in planets far far away

I don't believe it other life out there
Its only us