Do you care about your grades in school?
Do/did you care about your grades in school? Did it really matter to you in the long run or later in life?

I don't believe grades are really important, sure it might help you get a foot in the door for certain jobs/pursuing further education but ultimately, I think your experience and work ethics are what matter to employers.

Just finished high school, and I have to say my grades have gotten way better. During the first 2 years I was often failing tests and not doing assignments which made me have mostly Cs. 2.7 GPA average. Towards the last two years I got my shit together and sacrificed my well being to maintain a 4.0 GPA. I ended up feeling more fulfilled but it ended up making almost no difference in my life. The only reasons I would say you should get good grades is if you want to go to a top tier college or make yourself feel better.

Not really but it depends on the industry i think

Once you go into the workforce, your GPA, etc doesn't matter. We want experience. Experience > theory.

it really matters, grades act like filters if you want a better college and get job at good company

Grades are only useable insofar as to get into whatever university you want to get into, be it grad or undergrad. Outside of that, grades are useless. What you actually know and can do are what matter, but what matters most is who you know.

tbh i wish i cared a little more about my grades when i was in school. You sometimes regret not trying hard enough lol

It really deoends on what motivates you, i was a shit student through my first 6 years of university ( i worked 80 hrs a week while taking classes part time and held the philosophy of C's get degrees) it was only when life forced me to slow down that instarted applying myself to classes more and actually retaining information. As long as you learned something i dont think grades matter but for me there was a direct correlation between grades and retention

I wished I cared more, looking back I feel like I could have gotten a lot better grades.