Do you ever worry about the risks of masturbating?
I sometimes wounder about it

[+] 1 user Likes Donky-Stan890's post
Like what risk?

addiction, when your body adjust to it you need the happiness hormons from it

I don't think the majority of people realize it until they are already beyond that point. I think as long as you can have healthy physical relationships then you are still good.

can you be addicted to fapping?

I'm definitly addicted lol, if I don't do my daily scroll and rub I feel like i'm missing out

[+] 1 user Likes nutswillbebusted's post
I think the bigger risk is addiction to porn. Needing/wanting the good feeling from rubbing one out seems healthy IMO. Not being able to bang your wife because she doesn't look like your porn fantasy doesn't seem so healthy.

no. never. aint nothing wrong with a little fap. just don't beat that shit raw and you're good

Risks are probably porn addiction and maybe unrealistic expectations of sex?

Nah, masturbation is fine as long as it doesn't control you. You gotta be able to say: "nah, don't need to jerk it today" and feel fine with that.

Nope because I dont believe there are any risks

Yes, lately more and more. Will see how I do if I stop for a week

Fap whenever you want

I didnt know there were any risks

too much of anything is bad, as soon as wanking takes away stuff like too much of your time or your perception of life its time to cut back

I'm not particularly worried. As long as you don't do it too much it's probably fine.

Yes, there's many risks associated that i have experienced: erectile dysfonction, depression and coping with porn Sad

Unless it becomes an obsessive thing that you cant not do, I don't see any problem with it

do it only when you feel like it not just because you can. otherwise it loses the thrill

I feel like I could stop whenever I wanted t....oh Sad

Couple times a week, I don't think is a big deal. When you're having to leave social settings to rub one out, different story.