Do you ever worry about the risks of masturbating?
I tend to cycle between doing it daily when I have a lot of time on my hands, to not doing it for days when busy with school or work. From what I read, it is recommended that you dont always fap to porn, but vary with porn, erotic literary material and toys.

hm as long as it does not impact your life in a significant way it should be fine else i'd recommend taking action to control it

with both mastrubation and sex your skin will get soar if you do it multiple times a day and it'll start to hurt. You might end up damaging your body. If you're a guy and mastrubate to often you might also end up getting premature ejaculation which is only a problem if you actually have/get a partner.

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Balance is everything, too much of a good thing is bad

Addiction can be a thing, but it's also beneficial to you too. Just don't overdo it...

what risks ?

always take breaks man if you down bad fr