Do you guys use escorts and how much you spend
Hey all, I am curious how many of you use escort services and how much you spend on average (please state your country too)

Also what is your best escort experience.

For me i am torn betwen a korean girl I met in London or the Soapland in Japan.

The soapland girl was not the hotest girl but damn, she knows how to move that body, giving me full NURU and had the cutest voice EVER!!!!!! She cThe oax me to cum multiple times too and click my ass SOOOOO DEEEP too.

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in Ecuador a good price is between 50 and 100 buck but can can find them cheaper than that but i would risk it with those


Once in Amsterdam. 30€ bj.

Never used one.

I did a few times.
About 100-200€ per hour in Germany.
Once I used an agency I think 400€ for 2 hours. The experience was really nice. The escort had an actual job and only did it part-time to finance travel/vacations.
My best experience was over a site for amateurs girl was in my age and was really wet and totally into it. Sadly the only did it for a month and than deleted her account Sad

Recently I got scammed for 150€.

My tips you usually get what you pay for and if any doubt don't go for it. I would prefer to save for one good experience over 5 bad or semi ok-ish once.

can u tell me the agecy websit