Do you have a smart home?
Yeah i was thinking of getting some smart home additions or at least something like echo or alexa, so i wanted to ask if anyone here has something like that and would be willing to share their experiences.

I'd avoid all that shit. Alexa and Echo will record your home whenever they feel like it, and send that data back to Amazon. It's an in-home spy system. That's why cops are now subpoeaning the data recorded on Amazon equipment during crimes that were committed. Unless you like being spied on and having your data subject to whatever use Amazon and the government have for it, I'd avoid it.

Nope, I dont have a need for it nor do I need another device spying on me. Phones are already doing that

Partially, I'd want all lights to be automated.

yes I have a smart home...from iot to smart cars everything...

Nah. Look up Amazon Sidewalk. They are going to use your bandwidth.

just few ikea bulbs

I wouldn't call anyone or anything in my home smart, so no.

i dont particularly see a point in them, that said, i do have an alexa that someone gave me

I'd rather not be recorded 24/7, so no