Do you know someone that died of COVID?
im really interested in the personal stories of people coping with the pandemic. Fortunately i dont know anyone who died from it not even remotely. Did some of you guys know of people who passed away?

I actually know quite a few people that lost grandparents to COVID. Many of them were already not the healthiest to begin with.

No personally i do not, but i have friends that have lost a parent

A few people, either young or old.

Supposedly, the hospital a long time buddy of mine died at said he died of Covid last year. Of course, they conveniently forgot all about all the other trauma to his body.

Shameful dirty secret: Hospitals get more money from the government for saying that you died of Covid instead of something else. That's why I've seen guys die from motorcycle accidents, but the hospital says he officially died of Covid.

Weirdly, not anybody I know directly or even on a 2nd or 3rd circle of people. Which makes me wonder sometimes whether it is real or not. Definitely real, but it's all fun and games until someone you know gets it.

I do not know anybody personally that died directly from covid, but I do have a friend that lost his taste 4 months ago and still haven't got it back

You don't die of covid you die with covid. Covid doesn't kill you your underlying health issue does

I know several. None were healthy or without underlying conditions though.

In my instance, nobody died of COVID

fortunately i haven't lost anybody for covid, but people don't die just of covid,sometimes everyone forgets about it

yes yes i do, a couple actually