Do you still get mad about how Game of Thrones ended?
I loved that show so much! It's amazing just how much the excitement was extinguished at the finale. I was totally feeling all the spin offs and everything, but if I hear about them now it's an instant eye roll.

If the ending of a series doesn't affect you emotionally, then it wasn't worth a damn. They sure made everyone quite emotional at its end.

Lol yeah...maybe the wrong kind of emotional. I don't think I will ever "Kind of forget" how much they screwed up every character and the delivery!

They literally ruined the most popular fantasy franchise of the last decade. Like, completely ruined. No one talks about it now. Even the amazing earlier seasons are completely tainted by the utter shittiness of the last 2 seasons.

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Completely agree, what do you think Bobby B would have to say about it?
"Got bless Bessie, and her tits!"

Quote: I don't think I will ever "Kind of forget" how much they screwed up every character and the delivery!
Infamy is just as good being famous. No one will ever forget that? That translates to everyone will keep buying the entire season to watch it over and over, because people complaining about a show sells a bit better than people fawning over a show. The entertainment industry is strange.

I do wonder how right you are. It seems like HBO had two or three spinoffs coming that had excitement, but all I've heard since the show ended is people saying they can't go near the show without feeling angry and that they have no desire to rewatch anymore.

Not really, just disappointed. D&D fucked up, went to work on SW, and got canned. Get fucked.

Quote: D&D fucked up, went to work on SW, and got canned.
This happens a lot. And people get shitcanned for stupid and for good reasons. The industry is finnicky, to say the least.

Quote: It seems like HBO had two or three spinoffs coming that had excitement, but all I've heard since the show ended is people saying they can't go near the show without feeling angry and that they have no desire to rewatch anymore.
They probably should've ended in a different way, in order to let the spinoffs go on, but HBO likes being edgy. Sometimes you cut yourself on that edge.

Loved it so much and hated to see it end the way it did, we as fans deserved so much better

Absolutely hated cannot believe they can so easily ruin a show

I see it as a fan-fiction happy ending, where the direction of its lore and characters will lead Westeros to ruin in a few decades

Yes I feel mad every time i think of it

Thinking about it infuriates me.

It totally ruined it. Writers did not create works. they just ruined it for their own satisfaction.

i watched it from the end of june to about 25th of july and im still disgusted by the end when i think about it. but it was quite boring to watch it after season 6