Do you think Valorant will replace CSGO?
Since both games have basically the same game play and with Valorant servers having a higher tick rate, will CSGO plays flock over to Valorant? Granted you'll have people who have invested a lot of time and money on their CSGO skins so they might stick with CSGO.

The weapons, control and overall mechanics are very similar, however the added mechanic of different characters with different abilities will be a breath of fresh air. Not to mention the fact that the devs were former pros playing csgo, so the direction of the game is likely going to be good and they do seem to listen to feedback.

Skill from CSGO in general do transfer over, and also skins can be sold (RMT or steam market) or kept, so there is always value in them. I think it depends on how valve responds with CSGO updates. There are many bugs and kinks long overdue that are finally getting patched and this is probably cause of valorant coming out, which is a good thing.

So I do think many CSGO players will flock to Valorant, especially given that its F2P, why not give it a shot (get it, shot lol).

My biggest concern in the anticheat tho but im pretty sure majority of players are quite ignorant about it or just don't care, but just my opinion on that matter

definitely not, the CS community is way too tight + strong

Nah, CSGO and Valorent fill two different niche’s . They have their similarities, yeah, but CS is well established and has a dedicated playerbase

This is like the whole cod vs halo thing all over again. League plays like dota but it didnt replace it. Valorant wont replace csgo. Some people dont like the idea of abilities, others do. Different games for different people.