Do you think dark mode should be default on every website?
Darkmode just seems so much sleeker than the "normal" white a lot of websites use. Just using something like reddit at 2am white light mode burns my eyes off.

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I really wish. 
OperaGX have a beta feature which forces every page to be dark, but dosen't work that well. 

I just wish more sites had dark mode features :/

Just use a chrome extension. I use dark reader and it makes every site you go on have dark mode. Also, pretty sure reddit has a dark mode option too. You just have to turn it on (that's how it is on the app at least). If you don't use Chrome, then Microsoft Edge has a built -in default dark option you can turn on as well.

I prefer it to be an option that I can choose according to my needs.

I usually consult sites at night so i prefer that the site propose a dark mode or is already dark like discor

I see no issues with having most of the pages showing a dark scheme even when it’s daytime. I’m just hoping Dark Mode becomes a standard for future displays on websites, games and any kind of software.

It shouldn’t be the default, but every website should respect the prefers-color-scheme CSS feature by providing both a light and dark theme, allowing the browser to select which to load based on the user's preference (and all browsers should support this of the don’t already). Browsers should also take the preference from the user's system theme, with an option to overrode that just for the browser and for individual websites

Absolutely, hate waking up to a ping on something and having my retinas exploded by blindingly bright white.

Nah, never used it once.

Definitely since dark mode doesn't strain my eyes and its much cooler

I certainly preferred it.

it is way better than normal so why not?

I've been using Dark mode for a few years or so now (using various browser plugins) and i must say i can't go back. I instantly turn everything to dark mode. It's wayyy easier on your eyes not to mention much sleeker. Also if you can combine Black with Red i'm all for it. Plus anytime i go to a fully lit website with no dark mode, it basically burns my retinas lol.

Yes, it is truly the only option

not default but the option is always nice

Yes, of course, dark mode on top