Do you think mask mandates should have been lifted?
I can only speak from my experience here in the states. They say hindsight is 20/20, and we already know that we've taken steps backwards on beating Covid. With the Delta variant, it's looking like we'll lockdown again. I, for one, was feeling like reopening was rushed when it was announced. Did you feel the same way at the time? Do you think any good came from the time we have had reopened?

Personally, I think it was fine until the delta variant started spreading

The mask mandates should have never been in place to begin with, as these masks do not prevent you from getting sick, or getting anyone else sick. To do that, you'd need a P100-rated mask, which is quite expensive. These were just muzzles for us plebians so that we wouldn't protest any of this. That's not working now.

Also, this so-called "Delta Variant" can only be caught by those who got vaccinated. The vax compromises your immune system, so when you do get sick, you are fully dependent on whatever drugs the doc gives you to get over it, because your immune system can no longer function correctly. Everyone who got the vax gets heavy metals poisoning, especially from Graphene Oxide. That prevents your T-cells (the ones that make you better when you're sick) from functioning properly. So you'll go from sick to septic rather than from sick to well.

They convinced us to give up our working immune systems in exchange for drugs we have to pay for to stay alive. Hell of a deal, eh?

I don't think they should've

Olichan, do you have any sources to read more about the information you're sharing? I'm genuinely curious to try and understand your position, but I haven't heard or read any of the specific things you mentioned

Olichan I'm also curious about where you learned this information from. Don't masks just help because they act as a barrier to prevent droplets from spewing from the sick person's mouth.