Do you think that Kanye possibly has the chance to be President one day ?
It alway starts as a joke but we learn from the past

nope no way dont think so

He’s openly bipolar. This is just a manic episode. Not a chance.

i would love to say no way in hell but at this point honestly i could see it happening. doesnt matter the views only public perception and media support

He's already started down the anti vax prolife route so he's appealing to the same crowd as Trump

^ TDS detected Big Grin

He's polling at 2% not that it's matters as he's missed the filing deadline in many states. He's selling a lot of merch though and of course, this is just PR for his new album in a few weeks.

highly doubt it

I don't think so but I also thought that about Trump and Brexit sooo..

Hmm, somehow I doubt it, and I hope not, but stranger things have happened recently...

i realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly hope not

Hope not but at this point who even has a clue? Too many blind followers or voting just for the jest of it.

he just recently "dropped" out so Im going to go with no but what a country it wold be.

No wayyyy!!

I don't think so

Feel like this is more of a publicity stunt than anything. I don't think there's any chance he'll ever be president but a lot of us said that about Trump too...

His rally makes me genuinely worried for his mental health. Hopefully he gets help before the mob audience pushes him too far

not anymore anyway

Really hope not, but it'll make America meme-able again

Weeell I think he has a chance there’s Nothing impossible