Do you think that skate/bmx games will make a comeback?
There used to be steadyish releases of different skateboarding games (THPS, Skate) and BMX games (Dave Mirra, Hoffman), but the whole genre of extreme sports games is pretty much dead now. I can't even remember when the last good snowboarding game was released, and it's looking pretty gloomy in regards to any kind of revival of the genre.

Do you think that a comeback is possible for these types of games, or has interest for these sports dropped too much in general? Personally, I'd love to see a new GOOD THPS title as well a modern BMX game.

IRL, those games are doing just fine, it's just ESPN is about the only channel willing to air them, unless it's something special, like the Olympics. Their videogames' popularity are directly proportional to how many people know about those sports.

I don't think they'll do another THPS anytime soon, though that was a really good series. Damn, that brings back some memories. I sucked ass at that game but damn was it fun!

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I don't think these games will come back unless people actually engage in these sports. There are still niches where people skate and BMX but whereas most kids used to dabble in those sports during the 80s - 90s, even if it was just biking or having a skateboard, a lot of kids now have no idea how to ride a bike. But they use their phones for social media.

Quote: But they use their phones for social media.
And thus TPTB figured out how to kill us and turn us into fat wagies that don't think for themselves.

Quote:And thus TPTB figured out how to kill us and turn us into fat wagies that don't think for themselves.

But they use their phones for social media.

And thus TPTB figured out how to kill us and turn us into fat wagies that don't think for themselves.

Not sure it's THAT bad but I guess so to a degree.

Personally I hope for a comeback. THPS 1+2 was a great remake and skater xl and session both have their strengths and weaknesses, but are really fun too overall. The real gamechanger, in my opinion, will be skate 4. EA Skate could really bring a lot people in the genre, simpy because of its legacy.

I think culturally the X-Games have no real relevance these days so it's unlikely it will make a comeback.

Kind of like how there were tons of "olympics" games and now there are none.