Do you use tor browser?
I personally don't because imo, the time it takes to load stuff is wayyyy too long. It could be faster, but I'm not sure how to properly configure the tor browser. Most of the time I just use my VPN. 
What do you guys use?

[+] 1 user Likes CreaToN105x's post

"I'm not sure how to properly configure the tor browser". The tor network goes through three PCs to encrypt the information, therefore how fast it is depends on the bandwidth of the intermediary computers. There is not much that the user can do, but it is a characteristic of the network infrastructure. VPN is the best option, no FREE!!

[+] 1 user Likes NightCracking's post
Always, always, always use my VPN. I never go online without my VPN connected and from behind my Zonealarm firewall. And then I sometimes use Tor much more infrequently; mainly in the past as a novelty to explore the "Darkweb" and onion sites once every other couple of months. And I can confirm Tor is always slow. thats the price you pay for the anonymity with Tor.

I do always use Tor with my VPN as it recommends on the TOR browser home page. And its like you said rediciulously slow, so I really only use TOR browser to DuckDuckGo something I can't find without the Onion.

If you have a newer phone with your VPN on it, phones can use TOR faster than how TOR works on my "supposedly" super powerful gaming desktop I just built... Maybe never close to Chrome speeds but Orbot or the Onion Browser for phones seems to load much faster than the actual Tor Browser on a desktop.?

Also if you use Mozilla Firefox and you have it configured the way you want, you can definitely do the same with TOR as its a Mozilla based browser. If your not familiar with Firefox your best bet is just to read everything you can on the start page when Tor opens and the How to Use Tor faq. But even then you don't want to change too many settings ever; even if your an expert as that defeats some of the anonymity and the less personalization you do the better. And like you guys already stated theres just not a whole lot you can change to make Tor speed up or come even close to normal browser speeds...

If I change anything its normally just to open the settings and make sure I set the Privacy & Security settings to Safer and to make sure all my do-not track and adblocking/cookie blocking boxes are checked. (Which yes can make my browsing even slower...)

[+] 1 user Likes realkane's post
I wouldn't use TOR for simple anonimity. Only use it for accessing the TOR hidden services.
Also afaik configuring the TOR browser too much can allow webistes and other third party entities to fingerprint and track you based on some of the settings because it could make you uniquely identifiable.

I don't really know why I'd want to now. What onion sites (obviously be general when answering this) do people even use? The only one that interested me (road of silk) was taken down, based on what I've heard about the rest of the dark web there's not much of interest to me.

Make sure to use vpn when going online just for safety measures