Do you wear a watch? / smartwatch or classic watch?
I want to know if the board users wear a watch. And if you wear it, what watch is it?
And do you preffer a smartwatch or a classic watch?

In my opinion I preffer a classic watch with the programated obsolescense I think expent +300$ on a clock its absourd.

Classic watch for me. No point I’m having notifications on your wrist when you already have it on the phone

in my opinion, earing smartwatch is cool.
I used to wear galaxy watch, but mine is broken. Now i wear mi band from xiaomi.

Always want to try apple watch but I'm broke af. Lol

I want to get into classic watches but don’t know which brands are good

I have a hauwei smart watch, I get about 10 days battery and I find it stops me getting my phone out at work so much

I feel like the only time a watch would be necessary if you have a phone is when you're writing a test or exam. Since I'm out of school I don't use a watch.

withings has some watches that look normal and have week-long battery life but a small screen to show notifications. its a good balance

classic all the way

Smart watch

I was gifted a smart watch by a coworker last year (they wanted to get rid of it and get the latest apple watch). While it's pretty cool to have and use the functions, it can be a waste of money. Plus other classic watches have such cool styles as well!

Classic watch, don't need to worry about charging. Don't want another distraction of notifications popping up on my wrist

G-Shock FTW!
but, sometime i use garmin smart watch or dive comp for my diving equipment

i use a fitness tracker , honor band 5 and classic watches when going out

No, i do not wear any watches i just look at the sun lmao

Used to but since the advent of smartphones that does the job now.

Classic watch forever, I see no point in having something such as an apple watch when it requires phone access as well, if you have the phone why need the watch?, if anyone has any reasoning otherwise I still stay firm that classic watches are superior.

Classic old watch!

I would choose a classic watch.  I cannot stand having to recharge my watch everyday like my phone.   Angry

While we do have phones nowadays, I think it'd be fun to wear a watch. Besides, phones are getting so much bigger than just looking at your wrist is once again the more viable option.

I'm not familiar with watch brands, but my father is. I always go to him for advice.

Sometimes smart band sometimes a watch. Depending on what clothes I wear.