Does AI generated porn turn you on?
Does anyone get put off by AI generated porn or is it just me?

Depends, was sceptic first but i do like some ai generated pics. It just enables you to create girls exactly after your taste. 
And you can see hot celebs naked

[+] 1 user Likes Shine13's post
Only if it's stuff I have generated myself. I find that lots of it is very low quality to begin with, probably stemming from people just using any random online generator they can find instead of running their own and learning how the tools work.

[+] 1 user Likes oldman6's post
yeah, it's kind of creepy depending on the engine used to generate it. AI still hasn't quite gotten proportions right and definitely hands and facial features are disturbing bc of how much they look like real faces but are still off

[+] 1 user Likes ducksaredelicious0's post