Does Python Abstract Too Much of Coding?
Python is pretty popular for its simplicity and many built in function such as reversing a string just with one command, but do you think that having all these things built in hides too much? Many programmers who just use Python wouldn't understand runtimes or have a good understanding of algorithms since there aren't many functions they need to write as Python probably already has one for it.

Thats why you first learn languages like C/C++ and then start with python. I love python because it saves so much time lol.



I agree. First learn a lower-level language like C, C++ (not that those are low-level in the purest sense, but certainly closer to the machine than Py is) and you will LOVE python. It'll make you fly.

Testing testing

Testing djdjdjd

i dont think you neccessarily need to learn a low level language first. generally speaking id say its better to learn software methodologies' that you use regardless, most modern languages will have you use object oriented so its worth getting familiar with that. Each language will have different syntax implementation as well as "features" that are associated with this that might not be available in other languaghes but the core concepts remain the same